New Years Goal Reflection – 1 Month Later

So we’ve now hit February! How did that happen?! Time has gone so quickly and there’s so much that happened last month. I restarted uni, had one week on placement and attempted to keep up with my New Years resolutions. Overall,  I’d say I did a decent job but I still need to get into the habit of reading more.

1) Go to the gym at least twice a week – Grade C+

I started off so well with this one as over Christmas I went home so I wasn’t able to work out but once I was back to uni I barely had time to go to the gym, especially as I was at placement so I was shattered every night. In March, I’m on placement for 4 weeks so I’ll have to put in more effort into going and try to go even if I don’t feel like it.

2) Read for at least 10 minutes every day – Grade E

I didn’t succeed in this one at all. I’ve been doing my readings for uni fine, but reading for pleasure is something that isn’t natural to me. Once I got into the book I’d happily read for 30 minutes+ but it was the initial stages that threw me.

3) Read one book a month – Grade E

Now you can see where my issues are. I’m currently halfway through reading the book I started at the beginning of January but I need to get into the habit of reading every night before I go to bed.

4) Only one take-away meal a month – Grade A*

This one I actually achieved. Throughout January I didn’t buy any take-away meals or eat out. This goal was set last year as they are very unhealthy and also so expensive, which isn’t sustainable as a student. Me and my boyfriend calculated that one take away meal (£10) was the equivalent of 3 home-cooked meals so we made it our mission to eat healthier and spend more time cooking at home.

5) Weekly meal plan – Grade A

Similarly related to goal number 4, I wanted to eat healthier at a low cost so in 2018,I started meal planning once a week. This has been so influential in my life I even wrote a blog post about it last month. I would highly recommend trying this as it makes you so much more organised and you know what you’re eating every day so there’s no disagreements in the kitchen. However, recently I haven’t been planning until the day I go shopping so it can sometimes be a bit rushed. But even then, meal planning takes such a short amount of time it’s worth the extra hassle as you will be saving money.

6) Make lunches the night before – Grade B

In 2017, I used to make my lunches the morning I needed them which just wasn’t ideal. I’d always be rushed out of the house and not have enough time to make a nutritious lunch. Even now they’re not the healthiest in the world, but preparing them the day before reduces my stress in the morning as it’s one less thing to worry about. Just make sure you remember to take it out of the fridge the next day!

7) Try yoga – Grade E

This one is more of a long term goal for 2018 but it’s something that I’ve wanted to try for a while and now I have a gym membership it seems like the ideal time to try it. I just need to book the session and go!

8) Learn a musical instrument – Grade D

I used to play the keyboard when I was younger but I never continued the hobby into adolescence which is shame, so this year I want to learn to play the ukulele. As I am doing a teacher training course this will help me develop professionally and musically and I hope to learn to play the instrument at some point this year.

8) Write more blog posts – Grade C

This year I want to write more content on this channel and increase the topics that I talk about. I really enjoy blogging and it’s something that I want to get better at and the only way I can do that is by practising as often as I can. I’ve got a notebook where I write down all of my ideas and I’ve scheduled out some blogs already. I’m excited to get going with this goal and my aim is write at least one post a month, but ideally two.

I hoped you enjoyed reading this post. It has been useful to be to assess my progression in my goals and hopefully when I review them again at the end of this year I will have achieved everything that I wanted to.


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