How to Write a University Assignment

So you've just had your first assignment seminar or lecture and you want to get started with the essay but you have no idea where to begin. I'm here to help! I'm a third-year Primary Education student so I've had plenty of essay writing practice. I've written assignments for 2000 and 2500 words as well... Continue Reading →

Travel Spreads |Bullet Journal

Hey everyone! I've done a couple of bullet journal posts before that explained how I set my journal up and spreads for students, but in this post, I'll be sharing my travel spreads. Let's get rightl into it! This is the first travel page, I think it really sets the scene for the next few... Continue Reading →

My Weekly Review Process

I've recently started doing a weekly review and it's really helped me evaluate how my week went and how I can make next week even better. I normally do my weekly review on a Sunday evening but pick a day that is best for you. This is my weekly review process in my bullet journal... Continue Reading →

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